Student Learning Outcomes
SLO 1: Play and Production Analysis: Students will critically analyze play texts and pieces of theatre (productions, performance events, etc.), using the vocabulary of the field, and will ascribe meaning to the usages and applications of production elements.
SLO 2: Communication: Students will develop and defend informed judgments of play texts and pieces of theatre, and will effectively articulate complex ideas in both written and oral communication. Students will create and articulate a personal aesthetic that applies the vocabulary of the focus area (acting, directing, design/technology, stage management).
SLO 3: Development of Theatre: Students will recognize historical styles, and the cultural forces that shaped them; students will be conversant with the major theatrical periods, personages, and technological innovations that have shaped the development of theatre, and will be able to differentiate the defining characteristics of distinct periods and styles.
SLO 4: Research: Students will conduct research by selecting appropriate resources to inform artistic decisions; students will analyze and synthesize information from multiple sources in the construction of a production, design, or acting concept. Students will assess scholarship in the field and connect that scholarship to their understanding of historical practice.
SLO 5: Professional Development: Students will demonstrate the ability to collaborate effectively with both peers and professionals in a production setting, consistently demonstrating a disciplined usage of professional working standards. Students will produce a body of work built on sound professional practices, which is presented in a portfolio appropriate to the focus area; students will identify career opportunities within the focus area.
1. Research and Methodological Application
SLO 1a. Students completing the COMS program will develop a research prospectus employing appropriate methodologies to study their stated communication research question and/or hypothesis regarding human communication behavior.
SLO 1b. Students completing the COMS program will develop an analysis of a communication artifact utilizing an appropriate rhetorical criticism model.
2. Critical thinking/problem solving in performative (including written, oral and mediated) contexts.
SLO 2a. Students completing the COMS program will develop a research report that applies Dewey’s reflective thinking method to a contemporary communication problem to reach a rational solution to the problem.
SLO 2b. Students completing the COMS program will demonstrate knowledge of various rhetorical criticism models used to analyze speeches and/or rhetorical movements.
3. Knowledge of current events/historical trends
SLO 3a. Students completing the COMS program will demonstrate knowledge pertaining to the historical underpinnings of the field of communication studies and how historical developments have influenced the current study of communication.
SLO 3b. Students completing the COMS program will utilize current events as data for analysis of arguments in persuasive communication.
4. Legal/ethical implications of communication and/or performance
SLO 4a. Students completing the COMS program will demonstrate an awareness of ethical standards as related to original research.
SLO 4b. Students completing the COMS program will demonstrate an awareness of ethical standards as they relate to persuasive communication.
5. Knowledge of audience analysis and diverse points of view
SLO 5a. Students completing the COMS program will recognize the importance of culture and its impact on the reception of communication messages.
SLO 5b. Students completing the COMS program will demonstrate the ability to adapt the content of an oral performance to the audience.
SLO 1 News Story Creation: Upon completion of the B.S. degree in Multimedia Journalism, journalism graduates will be able to create news stories at a professional level, using appropriate media platforms.
SLO 2 Critical Thinking: Upon completion of the B.S. degree in Multimedia Journalism, journalism graduates will be able to apply critical thinking and problem-solving concepts in selecting relevant sources and collecting information in order to synthesize complex information for mass audiences.
SLO 3 Editing and Designing Media Content: Upon completion of the B.S. degree in Multimedia Journalism, journalism graduates will be able to critique and to correct news content for accuracy, fairness, grammatical correctness, aesthetic values and appropriateness for diverse audiences.
SLO 4 Understanding Legal and Ethical Issues: Upon completion of the B.S. degree in Multimedia Journalism, journalism graduates will be able to analyze and to evaluate the potential legal and ethical implications of journalistic communication.
SLO 5 Research and Application: Upon completion of the B.S. degree in Multimedia Journalism, journalism graduates will be able to differentiate historical and current patterns in media coverage, and to connect those patterns and to assess their relationships to ongoing societal issues.
SLO 1. Graduating MMFP B.S. majors will identify a media related research problem and propose a cogent solution, incorporating appropriate theories and research methodologies.
SLO 2. Graduating MMFP B.S. majors will analyze how specific groups of people, based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and disabilities, are represented in the media.
SLO 3. Graduating MMFP B.S. majors will apply critical thinking in their ability to accurately research, write, and produce stories across multiple media platforms.
SLO 4. Graduating MMFP B.S. majors will evaluate student productions for accuracy, fairness, appropriateness, grammatical correctness and aesthetic values.
SLO 5. Graduating MMFP B.S. majors will identify and analyze historical and/or current influences that have impacted and/or are continually affecting changes in the multimedia industries.
SLO 6. Graduating MMFP B.S. majors will identify and analyze the influences and role of ethical and legal issues within the multimedia discipline.
SLO 1. Public Relations seniors, at the completion of the program, will be able to assess organizational problems and research solutions using primary and secondary methodologies, and will create solutions using appropriate interpersonal and mass media channels.
SLO 2. Public relations juniors and seniors will construct public relations plans and collaterals integrating public relations principles and theories.
SLO 3. Public relations majors should be able to connect the historical developments of public relations with current practices.
SLO 4. Public relations juniors and seniors will be able to assess and evaluate key legal concepts and ethical implications related to public relations communication.
SLO 5. Public relations juniors will be able to design audience analyses for organizational issues, and will be able to suggest and adapt messages designed for a variety of audiences and media.